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Clinton Thunder Girls U11 Soccer
Welcome to the Clinton Thunder site. Thank you to all who visited our website. As you know, our season is over. The girls had a great year and progressed quite a bit during the season. We ended our season with a record of 1 win, 6 losses, and 3 ties. I am looking forward to coaching these girls next fall.
Please sign my address book or email me and let me know what you think of the website. Give me some suggestions on how to make the site better for next season.
Thanks again for visiting.
Coach Mozzochi
For the Fall 2000 season, the Thunder is looking forward to a great season. For many of the girls this is the first time that they will be playing on such a large field and playing 10 vs. 10. This season should be a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals of team play as well as positioning and ball control.
Game Schedule
Saturday September 9 2:30 P.M At Indian River Field #1 Vs. GU11-5 Sunday September 10 2:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-2 Saturday September 16 2:30 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-3 Sunday September 17 12:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-1 Sunday September 24 12:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-5 Saturday September 30 2:30 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-2 Sunday October 1 2:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-3 Saturday October 7 1:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-1 Saturday October 21 1:00 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-5 Saturday October 28 2:30 P.M. At Peters Upper Vs. GU11-2
The Thunder
The Team
The girls on the team are between 8 and eleven years old. Most of the girls have been playing for at least 2 years. To send comments about this web site click on the link below.